Mission Statement:
The mission of our school is based on our motto, Learning and Growing Together.
Our students will be:
Literate and Numerate – high
performing multi-literate and numerate individuals who interact with their
world confidently and appropriately.
Active – confident, healthy and
physically active individuals who take risks with their learning and
responsibility for their actions as a global citizen.
enGaged –
persistent, creative, critical thinkers who show initiative, set realistic
goals for personal achievement and fully participate in the learning journey.
Transformative – independent,
efficient life-long learners who access and generate knowledge; transforming it
into new learning and applications.
As members of Park Lake State School we are
committed to the Values for Australian Schooling:
Care and Compassion;
We support these values and beliefs by developing in our students
the following traits and skills:
care for and be compassionate towards self and others;
confidence in their own ability and to ‘have a go’;
treat all people fairly;
act morally and ethically in all aspects of their development;
willingness to be involved in all aspects of their own learning and school activities;
ownership of personal choices and community property;
a desire to share information, skills, knowledge, personal successes and the successes of others;
respect the views of others and treat them with consideration;
provide quality in all they produce and to expect quality experiences;
be aware of others, accept diversity and be included and inclusive;
trust in their peers, teachers and school environment.