At Park Lake Primary School we are delighted to welcome students who have a disability and require extra support. We believe all children can learn and have the right to have adjustments made at school to allow them to participate in a stimulating and exciting environment, just like their peers.
We have a comprehensive team of specialist staff who work together with students and their families to develop and implement flexible, individual plans, programs and strategies to best support the students in our care.
All students belong to a mainstream class and are included in all aspects of the learning environment; from school camps, assemblies and sports days just to name a few.
Differentiated instruction, support and modifications to the learning environment are made on an individual basis according to the needs of the child. Technology, specialised equipment and resources are utilised to maximise student access and learning.
Each student brings a special gift and talent waiting to be discovered. Children with special needs are no different and we are excited to work beside your child on their learning journey.
Social skills are developed through multiple venues such as school camps
Conceptual understanding is developed through creative exploration

Technology is incorporated to harness student interests and extend student learning